Charlie Pride has a song I love entitled "Roll on Mississippi".
Walking along, whistling a song
Half foot and fancy free,
A big riverboat, passing us by, she's headed for New Orleans
There she goes, disappearing around the bend.
Roll on Mississippi; you make me feel like a child again.
A cool river breeze, like peppermint leaves,
The taste of it takes me back,
Chew'n on a straw, torn overalls, a cane pole and an old straw hat,
Muddy river, Just like a long lost friend.
Roll on Mississippi; you make me feel like a child again
Roll on Mississippi, big river roll.
You're the childhood dream that I grew up on.
Roll on Mississippi, carry me home.
Now I can see I've been away too long.
Roll on, Mississippi, roll on.
Now, when the world's spinning round, too fast for me,
And I need a place to dream.
So I come to your banks, I sit in your shade
Relive the memories
Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn
Roll on Mississippi; you make me feel like a child again
Roll on Mississippi, Big river roll
You're the childhood dream that I grew up on.
Roll on Mississippi, carry me home.
Now I can see I've been away too long.
Roll on, Mississippi, Roll on, Mississippi.
Flaming Gorge is my Mississippi river. I can't describe to anyone how it feels to pull up on the banks of this reservoir. To smell the sage and water, hear the steady slap of water on the shore, and see the surrounding red rocks and clear blue/green water. Out in Lucern marina is collection of industrial sized tires chained together as a buffer from the waves. For as long as I can remember I have wanted to walk out on them.
I feel myself change everytime I return. I physically feel the worries and stress of daily life fall off. I feel more grounded, more real, more whole. I love going there.
I hope everyone has such a place of their own. Somewhere to go where they can regress to a simpler time when things weren't so complicated and uncertain. A place that to them is sacred and a joy. Regardless of the lack of shade. {:-)
Thanks to the boys for taking me there last weekend!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to Dad for introducing me to a place that has become part of my identity. And congrats to Clint for joining the 30# club!