Sunday, October 21, 2007

Since we are in limbo...

All of us involved in the sale of this home are in a tight holding pattern, hovering somewhere above the lender and just slightly outside of total insanity as we wait for word of the appriasal.

As such, I have a moment to reflect and share another mundane and pointless episode with all who are interested. .

You know how the last week of school was always more of a formality then actually something of worth? This last week I have felt the same as I did at the conclusion of every school year. I have hesitated to start anything new because I don't know how long I have to complete a project(graduation was always in question with me), and I hesitate to pack boxes(again, that graduation problem), just because common sense tells us to hold off until everything is official, etc. It didn't help that the day before we put the house up for sell, out of the blue (no one in the ward knew of our intentions) a member of the bishopric showed up to release me from a calling I have had for almost two years, they "felt it was time for a change".

Needless to say, things have felt slightly out of kilter around here. So, anyway, here's to the only constant in life (change), and here is to Tob and Jess and Millie, who hopefully will take the reigns of the little pink cube and make it their own, and here is to the appraiser: May he be blind to the size of this house, and impressed with its location, lot size, and the splendid two car garage, and may he be open to appraising this home for whatever the bank asks of him! Cheers!


AnJ. said...

Best wishes for a blind appraiser and the ability to move on with life. There's nothing worse than not knowing!

bluestocking23 said...

Amen to all of that. This is quite the trial for all of us "patient" souls...