Thursday, March 27, 2008


I love to read. I don't get to read as much as I would like these days, but I always manage to sneak in a fiction or two during a semester, and this one is no different.

However, I have pretty narrow standards when it comes to choosing a good read. I don't like to take many chances as my time reading is in short supply, and there are a lot of so-so authors and so-so stories out there.

One of the measuring sticks I use in gauging the worthiness of a story is #1 Peoples reactions to the book and #2 what catagory it falls under. If people are litterally ga-ga over a story (you know, star trekie types) that is a red mark, and if it belongs to a catagory like space travel, or fantasy, etc. (do you see a common thread forming?) that is another red mark.

Well, as with every rule, there are exceptions (i.e. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Lion, witch...etc.). Amber recently read Inkheart by Cornelia Funke and I took one look at its cover and immediately dismissed it with two red marks.

Good thing there are do-overs! The other day Amber informed me that I was going to read this book next, period.

Talk about dilema's! Because I didn't want word getting out that I was reading such a sissy la la book, I began reading in my bed room, with the door closed after everyone else had gone to bed.

I must say I was pleasantly surprised! Although I am only half way through I must say this is a winner! And so, for any of you who truely love to get lost in a book, I would recommend this original, quirky tale. Just make sure you don't read it aloud!

I have a few other recommendations for good reads this Summer, The Appeal by John Grisham, The Shape Shifter by Tony Hillerman, and anything written by Louis Lamour. As for Nonfiction, The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey, The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage by Dr. Laura, The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls, and anything witten by Neal A. Maxwell.



Jessica Pears said...
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Jessica Pears said...

Here, here! Inkheart is one of my all-time favorite books. I too value my book reading time...I've started 3 in the recent past that I just can't get into.

I read this a few years ago and it was the one of few times, since becoming a working class adult that I can remember not wanting to put a book down...I LOVED IT! I've been itching to read it again.

I would say the same for Goose Girl and Enna Burning, but I don't know if they are something a guy would like to read.

Glad you are enjoying...there is a sequel you know...(though, in my opinion, the original is always best, unless you're talking The Empire Strikes Back or Temple of Doom.)

Ambo said...

See, your wife is ALWAYS right!! :)

bluestocking23 said...

Yay! It IS one of the best and the movie is promising. (And no, don't bother with the sequel unless you really want to.)

Here, here!

Mandy said...

Oh, I hadn't heard of this one, I'll have to give it a try!