Sunday, April 27, 2008

What color is your strap?

The other day Clair and I were discussing my recent purchase of utility straps used to lash things down on a trailer or the bed of your truck (Refer to handy picture I downloaded). Somewhere in the middle of the conversation I heard myself say, "yeah, you can never have enough straps". To which Clair responded something along the lines of "I was thinking the other day I ought to pick me up a few of those". I commenced bragging about how I got the fifteen foot length for the price of the twelve, and only paid fourteen dollars. I believe I might have been rubbing my days growth of stubble and Clair may have had his arms crossed while nodding his head knowingly. I think there was even some Tim Taylor grunts tossed about. The air was rank with testosterone. You know the scene.

Now ladies, if you come upon two or more men standing around discussing something as ridiculous as towing straps just roll your eyes and walk away. And if you find yourself, as Ambo did, trapped and surrounded by said discussion, just ignore it. I cannot explain to a memeber of the female persuasion how it feels to hear in the insuing silence of such conversation a very feminine voice ask, "does it come in any other colors"?

Love you Ambo. {:-)


AnJ. said...

So do they? I'm partial to periwinkle blue. ;)

bluestocking23 said...

I admire these straps as well - and I've seen them in yellow, at least. ;)

Ambo said...

You know I love hunter orange!

Clinter B. said...

Bright pink and it's furry too!